
a/c receiver drier/accumulator/filter drier-COOLKINGTo make our web visitors search more easily for what they really need, we add one more function, Specification , to our website.

Web visitors can key in one or two word strings of specifications (diameter, length, connector, port), such as M28, 3/8, 5/8, MO, FO, MF, 25, and fusible, to look for what they need. If the length of the driers is 250mm, it is better for you to key in "25" instead of "250". For example, if you key in "25", the driers 250mm, or 251mm, ..........,259mm, or x25mm long are found and listed. If you key in "250", only the driers 250mm long are listed.

If you want to search for driers with fusible plug, please key in "fus', or "fusi", or "fusib", or "fusibl", or "fusible".

If you use two strings to make the search, the result would be more effective.
